Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Blues- Happy Monday

Sunday, although holy, is very depressing- almost as much as Monday. It's the day when you realize that your two (or in this case, three) days of "leisure" have been wasted, and that tonight, I will have to set my alarm clock for 6:30 AM. And then tomorrow morning, Monday, I will wake up feeling like my eyelids weigh and extra 20 pounds, and have to prepare myself for 7, monotonous periods. During the weekend, my life is divided into 50 minute increments. At least I have art and Drama. : )
However, tomorrow will be special. One of those "embrace change" and "don't be afraid of the unexpected" days. I'm just glad that I have so many amazing friends.
It's interesting to me, when I look back and realize all the people I've met, and the relationships I've formed with them over the years (or in some cases, even days). How can someone get so close to a person in a week, and not 5 years? I can still chat with someone who lives in another country, but not have the courage to talk to the people that have lived near me for my entire life. Is it fear of rejection, or just plain laziness that plagues me? Or have I just become so comfortable with my daily routine, that I close myself out to all of the possibilities that each day might present.
No matter what the answer, this year is going to change that. Experiment Jr. Year. : )
Get cast in the play, or work backstage making it perfect
Go to ITS State
Not be afraid to talk to a person despite the previous lack of communication
Host a CLEW
Find something that I can do, that will cause a change, or bring awareness to a certain cause
Spread the word about HOBY!
Become more informed on what's going on around me
Quit being so cynical

There are more things I would like to accomplish, but this is all I can think of right now. Sure, they aren't HUGE, but they are important to me, and something that I could definitely strive for this year. In my opinion, dreaming big sometimes requires tackling the small stuff first. : )

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