Monday, September 1, 2008

Randomness on a Three Day Weekend

Friday: a fantastic evening- of course all things must come to an end, hence curfew and Saturday.
Saturday: Early morning wake up call, and Bio
Sunday: Snap Beans
Monday: Beads and a little disappointment.

When someone says that they thought you fell off the face of the earth... I wonder what that must be like. Just a random thought, really. Technically, the earth doesn't have a face, it's a sphere, right? But that's not really the type of face I picture... When I think of the face of the earth, it seems like it would be more human (eyes, nose, mouth)... But what would it look like exactly? Interesting thing to wonder about. I could easily picture someone getting lost and slipping right off the tip of the nose- catapulted into the darkness.
floating with the stars, "and they were all.. yellow." : )

Auditions for Anatomy of Gray tomorrow... I'm a tavern owner- Maggie. I think it suits me well, stubborn, independent, and kind of sarcastic too. I hope I'll at least make it to callbacks. I'll read EXTRA Slow.. because my extra slow is the equivalent to a new yorker's regular pace.
yes... and I'll be professional... dress nice... and articulate... and... gesture... hmm... that should be okay...
callbacks would be nice...
It would be great to check something off of my "to do" list.

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